Sequest - Carbon offsetting business
Introduction to user research & website re-design
Sequest are looking to bring carbon offsetting mainstream. They use open-banking technology to connect with third parties that calculate CO2 emissions. Users can then select projects from around the world to offset their personal emissions.
In the Summer of 2020 I was looking to join the General Assembly UX Design program. At the same time, a friend was doing research into carbon offsetting platforms. It was the perfect opportunity to get to grips with the UX design process. I conducted competitor analysis and user interviews to understand behaviour towards carbon offsetting and trust in open-banking providers. The experience was the perfect way to get an understanding of UX research processes and it really helped me make the daunting decision of changing careers.
In February 2021, I was enrolled in the General Assembly program. During this time I re-designed the Sequest landing page using visual design techniques such as moodboards and word association to come up with a visual identity for the brand.
The website is yet to launch but it was great practice in doing quick turnaround projects for friends and family whilst also keeping on top of my visual design skills.